
Khan academy psychology mcat anki
Khan academy psychology mcat anki

khan academy psychology mcat anki

That's kind of what irrelevant means, just that I see this threat, but it's not affecting me. For instance, one response might be that whatever this perceived threat is is really irrelevant to me. Primary appraisal is the initial evaluation that focuses on the threat in the present situation, so your appraisal of what's going on right now, what threat I'm experiencing right now, and there are three categories of response to this primary appraisal. Then describing this appraisal, he suggested that there were really two stages to the cognitive appraisal of stress. The word he used to describe that assessment was our appraisal. So based off this definition of stress, a pretty famous psychologist named Richard Lazarus, he determined that stress arises less from actual events and more from our assessment of those events. So we're appraising the stressor, and then our stress reaction is our coping with the environmental threat, or the challenge. Rather, it's kind of the process by which we appraise and we cope with the environmental threats and challenges. So then stress isn't really just a stimulus or a response. So this whole scene then is what a psychologist might call stress. So in this case, we're talking about the bunny's response, that physical and emotional response to the stressor. The subsequent physical and emotional response would be the stress reaction. So my puppy dog's teeth are the stressor. So psychologists try to clarify this really slippery definition by calling the threatening, or challenging event, which in this case is the eminent clamping down of my puppy dog's teeth, the stressor, so stressor. And now we're talking about the bunny's response.

khan academy psychology mcat anki

However, we might also say that the bunny is stressed. So you might say that in this picture this bunny is experiencing a little bit of stress, and in doing so, we'd be using that word to describe a threat or a challenge. Hank is actually pretty intent on swallowing the bunny rabbit whole as soon as he catches it. And like most beagles, my puppy dog, Hank, loves to chase bunny rabbits, but it's not so much a friendly game of chase that he's playing with this bunny rabbit. A couple years ago, or I guess one year ago now, my wife got me a puppy dog for my birthday, and she got me a little beagle. Although I enjoy cats, I must say that I'm really more of a dog person.

Khan academy psychology mcat anki